
PostDoc Researcher
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Image & Curriculum Vitae

Image & Curriculum Vitae


  1. Jose Duro, Salvador Petit and Julio Sahuquillo. Modeling and analysis of the performance of exascale photonic networks. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience (31), 2018. BibTeX

    	author = "Duro, Jose and Petit, Salvador and Sahuquillo, Julio",
    	abstract = "Photonics technology has become a promising and viable alternative for both on‐chip and off‐chip interconnection networks of future Exascale systems. Nevertheless, this technology is not mature enough yet in this context, so research efforts focusing on photonic networks are still required to achieve realistic suitable network implementations. In this regard, system‐level photonic network simulators can help guide designers to assess the multiple design choices. Most current research is done on electrical network simulators, whose components work widely different from photonics components. In this work, we summarize and compare the working behavior of both technologies which includes the use of optical routers, wavelength‐division multiplexing and circuit switching among others. After implementing them into a well‐known simulation framework, an extensive simulation study has been carried out using realistic photonic network configurations with synthetic and realistic traffic. Experimental results show that, compared to electrical networks, optical networks can reduce the execution time of the studied real workloads in almost one order of magnitude. Our study also reveals that the photonic configuration highly impacts on the network performance, being the bandwidth per channel and the message length the most important parameters.",
    	journal = "Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience",
    	number = 31,
    	title = "{M}odeling and analysis of the performance of exascale photonic networks",
    	year = 2018
  2. Clara Furió, Josué Feliu, Julio Sahuquillo, Salvador Petit and Jose Duro. A Workload Generator for Evaluating SMT Real-Time Systems. 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2018. BibTeX

    	author = "Furi{\'o}, Clara and Feliu, Josu{\'e} and Sahuquillo, Julio and Petit, Salvador and Duro, Jose",
    	journal = "2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing {\&} Simulation (HPCS)",
    	title = "{A} {W}orkload {G}enerator for {E}valuating {SMT} {R}eal-{T}ime {S}ystems",
    	year = 2018
  3. Jose Duro, Salvador Petit, Julio Sahuquillo and Maria E Gomez. Workload Characterization for Exascale Computing Networks. 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2018. BibTeX

    	author = "Duro, Jose and Petit, Salvador and Sahuquillo, Julio and Gomez, Maria E.",
    	journal = "2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing {\&} Simulation (HPCS)",
    	title = "{W}orkload {C}haracterization for {E}xascale {C}omputing {N}etworks",
    	year = 2018
  4. Jose Duro, Salvador Petit, Julio Sahuquillo and Maria E Gomez. Modeling a Photonic Network for Exascale Computing. 2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Duro, Jose and Petit, Salvador and Sahuquillo, Julio and Gomez, Maria E.",
    	journal = "2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing {\&} Simulation (HPCS)",
    	title = "{M}odeling a {P}hotonic {N}etwork for {E}xascale {C}omputing",
    	year = 2017